... To Blogtrack's Super-Russe Birthday Celebracion!!
It seems like only yesterday a little tirade about Rolling Stone marked the first words of what has become a soon-to-be worldwide sensation for the bored and disturbed.
To humbly celebrate the one year anniversary of one of the most amazing corners of the internets, I am extending the offer to any and all hopelessly devoted fans of Blogtrack to the End of the World to send in questions, comments, concerns and conspiracy theories of all shapes, colors, phylum and textures for a glib and half-assed answer. That's right, I'm loaning out my endless wisdom tailored to fit you, the reader.
Please limit questions to those of the nature of the universe, grammar, what's the deal with irony, and what music/books/magazines/hair gel/affliction will make you cool. No personal inquiries or marriage proposals please, unless you are someone I would consider marrying in the distant future.*
But wait! There's more! Deliciously mind-blowing answers aren't the only thing that will be passed around at this little fiesta-- upon the best submission, I will bestow a fully redeemable IOU for my forthcoming book, co-authored by my colleague. Guaranteed complete head explosion or your money back. (Book can be autographed for a price, negotiable upon request.)
Ahem. For those still reading/drooling over the keyboard in a fit of post-capitalist malaise, any and all comments on the state of our political world and the nature of the universe will be very much appreciated and celebrated. e.g.:
What's the deal with things in general?
How can we fix the world?
Does it need to be fixed at all?
What are our responsibilities?
What are the goals and dreams of "generation Y" or whatever label some market analyst got paid $800,000 for?
Is everyone a selfish jerk?
What's the best thing you've seen/heard/read/watched recently?
Why is everyone depressed?
Why are we all addicted to things?
Why does every idiot with a laptop think they've got something important to say?
What's the deal with stuff, readers?
Please send all correspondence to emle.che@gmail.com with "Blogtrack Birthday Sweepstakes" in the subject line by 11:59 pm, August 31, PST. You can also respond in the comments of this post. Submissions will be posted and discussed when I get around to it.
*Applicant form available to those who pass the screening test. Please email emle.che@gmail.com with a list of your top three books and a short essay (1-2 pages, double spaced) on how Fred Durst has influenced/debilitated contemporary American culture. Or, a big "fuck you" to this nonsense and a poem will also be accepted from those who wish to bypass the first round and enter straight into the applicant pool.
yes, ms. blogtrack,
the people want to know: are as smart, charming, and beautiful as you come off on your blog?? !
does every artist living in a post-9/11 world have to acknowledge/understand 9/11 in their art?
what's the deal with sleeping around?
if i told you i liked electronica and folk music, what face-melting tracks would you put on my mix-tape?
how the fuck are you pulling off that denim vest?
is obama the man we've been waiting for? (and what do you think about the slew of hollywood movies coming out about superheroes that are actually watchable?)
olympics: douchey excuse for hyperconsumption/NBC to jerk itself off on pro-america slobber OR a troubled world being united through athletic prowess/forced to accept china's fucked-upness as our collective capitalist creation and maybe an opportunity to rearrange our priorities?
...and what's the deal with china?
...brian eno?
when can we get a fucking coffee machine?
how much do you think prostitutes who specialize in politicians make monthly?
what IS the deal with the 90s? (consider this a writing exercise.)
what's the secret to looking forward to getting old--does it involve selling out and participating in "life" (i.e. kids, jobs, mortgages) or is it having done everything that should/could have been done?
what's your favorite flower?
what have you been listening to this summer?
when can we go back to being life partners? (i don't mean to deter any marriage proposals. it's an open relationship.)
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