So the first couple of songs are about buying hummus at Trader Joes and blowing coke with Lindsay Lohan, and my first thought is goddamn these geniuses for figuring out that all they have to do to make a buck is get naked and make some sounds and record the whole thing for the pierced and plaided pawns in this whole culturally starved joke to slurp up with money they don't have just to touch something that hasn't been polluted by American Idol and this whole unnerving simulacrum of anything real (ie separate from the dehumanizing mechanization of our consumer society) in which we barely exist.
THEN, track seven, "Lavender Blimp," is a 73-second heady little fairy dance in a forest that legitimizes the careers of these guys as more than a couple of hot dudes who like drugs and look good naked. "Lavender Blimp" is reminiscent of Nino Rojo in its celebration of something good and true sans apologetic irony.
And if their forest happens to be in the middle of LA, at least they found a little patch of grass somewhere and found time to dance in it after rolling off of some sticky club floor.
All I have to say is that you should know better than to buy an album based purely on superficial motives...although I also realize that you're proverbial kryptonite is long haired, skinny, bearded white dudes. Love the blog by the way. You're my inspiration for starting one of my own.
also...I don't know if you listen to This American Life on Chicago Public Radio, but you have to listen to this episode called Matchmakers. Listen to Act 3, it's ridiculous. http://www.thisamericanlife.org/Radio_Episode.aspx?sched=1278
they could have recorded themselves taking a shit and i still would have masturbated to it.
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