Monday, March 23, 2009

A Celebration of Impending Triumph For Us All

By E. Makepeace (2005)

We are young!


Right now, we are the envy of all those with mere driver's permits and wrinkles alike. We are emanating impossible shine and blinding brightness, ready to take the world as our own. For this moment, the past is nothing more than what's led us here, the future something we know is waiting for us with welcoming arms. Lets not waste this time on silly boys or girls, no matter how pretty they are.

Let's not listen to love songs.

In fact, let us not spend time on music at all unless it serves as inspiration of sorts for the revolution, which we will start. (Said music can be featured in the forthcoming minor-motion picture our in which our journey will live on and inspire after we are long dead but celebrated and adored still.) Let's especially not waste time with buzz bands that are reviving the 80s and wear well-coordinated outfits. In a week, there will be another them. But in one hundred, even one million years there will not be another US!


We are allowed to be loud and vapid and pretty and selfish. But, Now must be Forever so we must be angry but calm but forceful, strong and intelligent, faceless, as we have the lives of millions on our minds and not our weekend plans and hair.

Let's rage against materialism and capitalism and monstrous displays of what we are able to buy, with the tragic aim to separate ourselves from those who can't.

Let's not treat people like things, to be traded and replaced to match our other accessories, no matter how much they beg for it in their actions and thoughts and clothes.

Let's give away all we own, for none of it is ours.

We have our youth and its power, and in those are the world—hidden, but there.

Let's never assume that we are anything more than beings with the fortune of convenience granted by voices and opposable thumbs which separate us from so-called animals, and let's never use these things to assert superiority over any other living things. Let's keep nothing and share everything.

Let's take no credit nor blame for anything. It's everyone's.

Let's create beauty through change and change through beauty.

Let's view the world as both never enough and full of endless possibility—

in it there is both the drive for progress and the means by which to achieve it.

We have been chosen to change the world because we were born.

So let's never live in a shoebox on a street, the world is our home. Let's never have money to count, we have nothing and everything. Let's never allow personal contentment to lead to complacency and inactivity. Let's live for leaves and snow, not paper or plastic. Let's never settle down and kick up our feet, but remain in motion even if our feet hurt. Let's not die the quiet death of millions, but live the never-ending life of few.

IF we do these things, we will have this life, youth, forever. Now will become tomorrow for us, never yesterday. Beauty, life, death, tomorrow, yesterday, now, will not distract us but inspire us and transform into one at our hands and never fade because we are young! In bloom, rising above the water in the morning, crawling above ground onto land, never to wilt, or sink, or retreat.



Anonymous said...

whoa. yes.

elsa said...

i have nothing to say other than this is simply wonderful.
what was true when you were 20 is still true now.

Ash said...

i adore this and would follow you into a revolution in a heartbeat. incredible and just as powerful as it was when it was written.

so said...

speechless...this is truly inspiring.

emily said...

thanks gals, glad you like it. soooo... let's do it.