Sunday, March 15, 2009

On the Clock

"Work": exchanging emails with the person who sits on the other side of the partition that separates desks.

He: shoot my brain please.

Me: don't think intra-office violence is accepted, but yeah, want to die/puke/go to sleep.

might leave early today, ie now.

He: if i could have traveled to the future when i was 18 and seen what im doing now, i would have beat the shit out of myself.

Me: that keeps me up at night. Bills kind of get in the way of being a badass. at least its only temporary, before permanent unemployment.

He: i'm absolutely doomed. god, this is depressing. im getting drunk tonight....

Me: we all are, but doomed is pretty ok when it means getting d with friends. i guess there are worse things.

He: Im gettin so d tonight. well maybe if i can mooch some drinks. hahha

Me: iLLz. always good to take advantage of friends with money. also, whats your sign?

He: i'll be illin super hard tonight. im a cancer that's why i smoke. why? are you into astrology? tell me some good news or something. or some sage advice perhaps?

Me: CANCER [June 21–July 22] As I compose this, I'm sitting in San Francisco's Chinatown, dining on something called a Milky Golden Prize Delight Bun. And, I'm thinking, I bet it's going to be a kind of Milky Golden Prize Delight week for you Cancerians, a Sweet, Creamy, Lusty Elixir week, a Rich, Thick, Tasty Brilliance week. If you can manage it, I suggest you try to have a dream in which you find a morsel of the sun in a bowl of pudding, and savor it while listening to the full moon sing you a lullaby.

! this guy's good... he knows you're gonna get paid/ill.

He: This is worst fucking horoscope I have ever read....

Me: cancers dont know good advice when they hear it.

and if you ever want to feel better about your own life, at least you're not any of these embarrassing humans:


elsa said...

"are you into astrology?"

greatest line ever.

i sense that "like your tits in that top" comes next.

merez said...

"celebrity i resemble most: Tim Allen"

Oh shit. Plus, this guy sounds awesome. You guys have similar interests: drinking when you can't afford it and hating job