Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pitcherz and chat, pitcherz and chat

fbook foto by Molly

Meredith: i woke up early this a.m. because i was excited about pitcherz

i think that means we're in love

go to bed thinknig of them, wake up thinking of them

Kelly: do y'all think showing fbook fotos of ur friends 2 other friends makes u cool? or sad? just tryna get "recognition" and "approval" from my "peers"

me: just tryna connect to my "peers" in a meaningful way, yall

Kelly: u r a representation of my personal brand, via digital foto form

me: death of vowels, shame: 2k9

Sent at 2:43 PM on Wednesday

me: i think showing fotos of friends to friends is a valid experience of alt youth

kinda what we have instead of god, yall


Vic and Molly said...

Nevermind! Found it slut. Super L337 blog! I used to have one when I was on tour, you can read it if you're bored. Its old. That's my friend Zac drinking the Beer-bot we made. It had 3 blinking lights and shit taped to it. rad.

Anonymous said...

how long until you link to HRO?

merez said...

oy vey.