10:20 am: Wake up. So. Tired.
11:40: Wake up again. Stumble downstairs with Franzen in hand. Put yesterday's coffee in microwave.
12:20 pm: Check email.
12:30: Scan idealist.org for jobs.
12:32: Think about updating resume.
12:33: Google image search "bruce springsteen jean vest." Brief scan reveals nothing other than the sad fact that Target sells denim vests. Then a photo of 80s era B. in a jean vest over a leather jacket. Not quite was I was hoping for.
12:36: Watch Nelly videos on youtube.
1:00: Catch up on google reader. Over a thousand unread items! I AM SO BUSY.
1:47: Read item about how some douche from Yale '09 just got a book deal, focusing on the immorality of his generation. Wish for the 83rd time since graduation that I never went to college.
2:17: Watch Daniel Radcliffe slide show. I would like to be the kind of friends with him that make out when drunk.
2:30: Wonder if I can sell the rights to my twitter account to NBC.
2:31: Realize I only retweet Michael Ian Black and Andrew WK's gems.
2:32: Gchat to multiple friends about Rihanna's haircut. Send all friends links to Nelly videos.
3:45: Go for a run. Plot strategy to become youtube sensation via ukulele covers of Nelly and Flo Rida whilst wearing low cut shirt. Pass boys college cross country team. CHRIST they just keep getting younger. Wonder if I could pass for 21, and if I should go for the reach around next time.
4:45: Get back, check email. Weekly shower.
5:00: Breakfast.
6:00: Stare at record collection. Momentary indecisiveness over whether to choose Bruce, Hall and Oates or ELO turns to excitement as a I realize I CAN LISTEN TO ALL OF THEM. Briefly wonder when someone will love me for my record collection rather than for my boobs and ill-tempered personality. Also realize that someone has my Joan Armatrading. And, that the riff in Bruce's "Badlands" off of Darkness on the Edge of Town is the closest to perfection we may ever confront in this world.
6:17: Stare at collage material. Succeed in making two cards and organizing old magazines chronologically. Thumb through photos from college, vaguely remember having a reason to live.
9:00: Dinner: popcorn and beer.
9:26: Second beer while double checking correct alphabetical order of records. Put on Jackson Browne's "Lawyers in Love," decide again that while embarrassingly 80s, it's underrated. Draw my own hand.
10:30: "Arrested Development" on Hulu, with almond milk hot chocolate and kahlua.
11:47: Wake up; Tobias is blue. Lol.
11:48: Check email to make sure no unflattering photos have been tagged on facebook.
11:53: Return to The Twenty-Seventh City; another day, another few chapters of Franzen.
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