"...the post-collegiate hippie thing really peaked this year.... a return to pastoralism and self-reliance and a sound so free of shiny urban gimmicks that you can almost hear the chickens clucking in the background."
--Slate's Ann Powers on the popularity of Bon Iver and Fleet Foxes in 2008
As the music goes, so goes the culture? A comment from a fan on Fleet Foxes myspace page:
"The Show at The Price of Wales was quite Simply one of the most amazing shows I have ever seen. I was in tears the whole time...haha.. i couldnt even sing along to blue ridge moutain cause my lip wouldnt stop quivering. Thank you.. thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving the gift [of] a truly inspired and beautiful music. PEACE and LOVE."
Here would be an appropriate time time go into issues of Our Generation and how We might be Changing Things for the Better by identifying with sensitive indie rock and bagging the ideals that this country's backbone is currently collapsing under, but I'll spare everyone that (redundant) rant.
I'll just leave it at: who knew beards and flannel (and artful sincerity) would force irony six feet under by 2009? Hats off to you, sensitive men from the woods.
the article or review by ann powers et. al was irritating. she criticizes fleet foxes and bon iver for being overly whitebread- wearing flannel, being from cold weather, etc. i think it was josie geller that once said, "write what you know." FF and good winter know beautiful melodies and how to wear a beard well. yeah it was popular and yeah i am sure they are happy about that. but i think they probably just want to keep writing quality, if not heartbreakingly amazing, music and growin' those beards. and i hope they do.
again... TGYBA.
pretty sure we called beards/flannel/artful sincerity being hott in '09 in, like, '07. ann powers sucks if she can hate on gorgeous hippie men writing poem songs about their lovers. headband is going to follow in the footsteps/blaze trails of beautiful indie folk music... we're like astral-weeks-era van plus perfect tits.
and thank you germ for ref'ing NBK... it's been at least two months since i've heard any mention of josie grossie (sp?) in casual conversation. you may sisters make me swoon.
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