Kinda think I'm not going to blog anymore cause I don't want to blog about my cats and all I could ever say about meaningful events going on in the geo-political landscape are pretty much summed up here by carles, the altiest altbro who has ever existed in the history of the universe.
srsly, yall, he takes relevant blogging to a new level. he will explode yr alt mind. (if yr a mainstreamr you wont 'get it'.) rlly feel like hipster runoff is way more culturally relevant than remix mountain. its like you dont even know if he's joking or serious or human or robot or alt or mainstream or in san fransisco or austin.
h8 u carles. i bow in yr meaningful wake. its like i dont even mind that ginsberg is dead cause yr alive.
there is even a blog about his blog that might not even be authentic even tho sum1 spends a considerable portion of their life devoted to it. you can read about how meaningful carles is here.
can't tell if its written by a rlly self-aware post-ironic post-funnie comedian or an aging-hip virgin.
either way, kind of need a new reason to blog/live.
would welcome yr suggestions. Should I take pix of 'kute ppl with beards and ice cream cones' or 'homeless ppl in my relevant city with funnie/sad signs' or write about the alt shows that i go to or the alt bros that i do? is there a "market" for another douche with converse hi-tops to describe guitar music as "angular"? does ne1 care about the 'crazie coke-fueled' exploits of alt-sluts in a post-feminist interworld? even if she doesn't have slouchy boots or an eating disorder? (doubt it)
need to streamline so the village voice will want to intrview me via instant messenger.
should i start writing poetry like this alt broad? [via the oddessy and the bible and other stuff written by the easter bunny 3.7 billion blog yrs ago]
or should i just get an authentic chrome bag and devote my life to riding my fixie and the pursuit of stds? and just commit virtual suicide? feel so confused. maybe 'not having a blog' is the new 'having a blog' [via 'newton's laws of the hip economie']
just wanted 2 change the world with my blog when i started out by 'offering an alternative 2 mainstream media.' kind of thought i'd get a book deal and then could 'subvert the mainstream' with my college education via 'freeing the masses' and then teach 'postmodern studies' courses @ hrvrd or at least talk about the matchbox20s on 'VH1' via "i miss my tween yrs."
now, kinda feel like just another blog in the wall [via british kids who actually do need an education cause they use double negatives][whatever, at least pink flyd didnt sell out yall like the led zepplins. h8 jimmie page 4 letting caddilac blow him. x2 4 pete townshend].
kinda feel like i should have started a meaningful electro-core band instead [via h&m wear + drug abuse + parents divorce + getting cheated on by alt-boyfriend]
<3 nihilistic white dude bloggers. wish i was one. wish i was more authentic via being really good at articulating my justified hatred of myself & 'the world' instead of being a sillie human who likes 2 'dance like no 1 is watching 2 AnCo/astralw33ks sumtimes.
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don't think you should inspire to write in all abbrevs. or hate absolutely everything. i think he would be "feeling sad" if an alt female like yourself gave up on your interning.
agreed. alt femmes are needed, and i'm still bankin on the option of teaching a class on Pre-Post-Post-Modernism and the 1990s, or, The Rise and Fall and Rise of Flannel and Torn Jeans
Don't leave this virtual world thats more real than the real world. We WILL take it over. We just need time. And a purple onesie. I shoulda bought that onesie at House of Vintage. Maybe you'd be more relevant by forgoing the internets and sending your ALTideas via carrier pigeon. Or lets set up a fucking social networking telegraph service. Telegrams are way retro. Think about it!
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